Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bedridden Blogger

OK, now that the word is out that CHRISTIN IS PREGGO, and CHRISTIN IS ON BEDREST, you all can understand why my photo posts have been so scarce lately! I would like to share with you some of my maternity pics, though. Obviously, they were taken at my favorite quiet spot...Eleanor Tinsley Park, but for some reason, the lighting was just NOT quite right! I love the art in bad lighting, though, so check these out! By the way, BIG shouts out to my bud LEW behind the camera! Love ya, Lew!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

angel & jon

I heart Angel & Jon! Angel was a close college friend of mine that I still talk to from time to time. Congrats on the engagement guys! I'm sure HPD is quite proud of your union!

Life's a Beach

OK...I know it's been FAR to long since I last posted anything, but hey, life happens! (We can get into that later) But for now, take a peek at a session I did a while back with my fiance' and his family on Galveston Island...yes, Ike. It actually seems like Ike cleaned it up a bit! We spent the day there, ate at the Rainforest Cafe, and had tons of fun. Next time, I promise: blue water.